Driving net new sales & service opportunities
has never been easier or quicker.

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Our Partners can see up to a
30% Increase in Cloud Service Revenue, and up to 20% Faster 
Close Rate.

Quickly and securely build net new pipelines to expand wallet share, and uncover incremental service opportunities. 

Book your Demo today. 

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Who We Are

Block 64 offers discovery tools and an analytics platform that empowers our partners to help their global customers. Our online portal provides you with a centralized blueprint of your customers' total IT infrastructure, including assets, cybersecurity threats, and cloud utilization metrics. Our automated reports help you provide your customers with tailored insights and recommendations to act on these findings.

Discovery Application

  • Deploy in as little as 5 minutes.
  • Windows native application format.
  • Automated cloud, cybersecurity, and Modern Workplace assessments.
  • Ability to scope environments of up to 2,000 endpoints.

Virtual Appliance

  • Deploy in 60 minutes or less.
  • Inventory up to 10,000 endpoints per appliance.
  • Assess SNMP devices, Apple computers, AIX environments, and proxy servers.
  • Always-on, real-time data.

Analytics Platform

  • Generate automated reports for hardware, installed software, cybersecurity, and server utilization.
  • Web-based platform accessible through any browser.
  • Easily manage your customer’s software licenses and subscriptions.

Trusted by world-leading technology companies 

Block 64 works, exactly and precisely the way we need it to. 

Block 64 ensures that we don’t get distracted from our core mission. As a market-leading Cloud product, Block 64 gives us the easiest, shortest, most secure path to do exactly what our IT requirements and customers need.

- Steve Morgan, SVP Technology Solutions @ Softchoice

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Trusted By

Onboarding Made Simple

Block 64 assigns you a designated account manager to make the Partner onboarding experience as smooth as possible. The account manager is also there to ensure our Partners earn a tangible return on investment.

Tailored Partner Onboarding Programs 

Customized Partner Training Sessions 

Industry Leading Partner Technical Support 

Drive Customer Value

Maintain Your Environment

The Block 64 tools operate with popular licensing models and product-use rights to help you estimate the impact on your organization. The tools are also configurable to accommodate specific agreements and desired footprints.

Track Resource Consumption

Understand the Data

Our solution uses over 60 performance counters and critical usage data to evaluate virtual and physical asset consumption rates, ensuring the customer’s on-prem, hybrid, and cloud resources are a perfect fit, and that they are not overpaying.

After the data has been collected, we help you understand what the numbers mean with our on-demand, business-ready reporting. The reports identify areas to minimize risk, optimize efficiency, and save money. 

Catch Threats Early

Our reports highlight unpatched titles or configurations, end-of-support and end-of-life software, RDP vulnerabilities, ransomware, and other potential security threats. The tool can also pull information about required maintenance, care packs, and warranties for most major manufacturers.

Centralize Asset Management

IT decision-making data can be centralized, with the ability to attach financial, procurement, contractual, and geographical data to the customer’s asset repository.

Migrate to Cloud

Our tool models your present workloads and provides intelligent optimization advice based on sizing data and utilization metrics.

Ready To Get Started?

Contact sales@block64.com to book a Demo of the Block 64 platform or to discuss a specific service. 

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Why Work With Us

We help our Partners automate and analyze customer environments, delivering efficient insights that result in net new Partner pipeline, sales, and service opportunities.

Learn More About Block 64

Onboarding Made Simple

Block 64 assigns you a designated account manager to make the Partner onboarding experience as smooth as possible. The account manager is also there to ensure our Partners earn a tangible return on investment.

Tailored Partner Onboarding Programs 

Customized Partner Training Sessions 

Industry Leading Partner Technical Support